UN-Funded Rehabilitation Project in Chitral: Multi Year Humanitarian Programme (MYHP)
The consortium partners including UNICEF, FAO and WPF provided funds to AKRSP for the MYHP project for a period of 2 years (2016-2017). The Project is focused on the themes of Natural Disaster Preparedness and Response and Recovery in Charun and Mukhow Union Councils of Chitral. In addition, three Revenue villages of UC Kosht (Muxgole, Murder and Mur Kosht) were also included where WFP did not undertake any intervention because the LoA of WFP had expired before inclusion of these villages. During the year 2016, WFP provided support to 1400 families in three cycles through Cash For Work, Cash for Training, and support for Extremely Vulnerable Individuals ( EVIs) packages.
The UNICEF has provided support in Hygiene Promotion, Sanitation, WASH in Schools and WASH in Health Facilities. Almost 63 % of target activities have been completed and 32,087 individuals have benefitted from the Project activities.
The overall objective of the FAO supported component is Restoration of Livelihoods of Disaster Affected Communities and to build their Resilience to cope with future disasters in Chitral District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. FAO only provides administrative cost of 7.8 Million. This component focussed on increasing Agricultural Production through Crop Diversification; improve Innovation and testing of improved technology and practices, Integrated Natural Resource Management Planning, Livelihoods and Income Generation and capacity building. All the targeted activities were achieved however irrigation channels were under finalization stage (15 channels have been completed so far).