KfW Development Bank supports AKRSP irrigate 253 hectares in Hunza and Nagar

The KfW Development Bank is supporting AKRSP under the Hydropower & Renewable Energy II Biodiversity-funded project to bring 253 hectares of land under irrigation, plantation, and other agricultural activities in Hunza and Nagar districts.

A mission of the development bank visited the project sites and interacted with the beneficiary communities in Hunza and Nagar districts. The communities of these villages have dedicated 30% of land to women’s organizations for income generation, 30% for plantation (biodiversity), and the remaining portion to community households for plantation and agriculture activities.

The mission included Ms. Pauline Asbrand and Mr. Thorsten Scherf, Portfolio Managers at KfW Frankfurt, Mr. Daniel Jia-Jiun Liao, Environmental & Social Specialist (USSV) at KfW Frankfurt, Mr. Aftab from KfW Islamabad, and Dr. Parvaiz Naim, Advisor KfW.

The mission visited the sites of the electric lift irrigation system in Chalt in Nagar district and the syphon irrigation channel project in village Hassanabad in Hunza district.

The mission also visited the proposed barren land MastanKerch Dass in village Khyber in Hunza and Indiling Dass in Sumayyar Nagar. The team also visited women orchard in Hunza.

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