Social Mobilization Partnership (ETI)
Through a competitive process AKRSP won an award of around 3 million USD of Economic Transformation Initiative, IFAD, to provide social mobilization services for larger agriculture infrastructure projects in three districts (Ghizer, Astore and Ghanche) and value chain interventions in nine districts of GB. The project has picked up despite issues of clarity in ETI value chain strategy.
The field offices are fully supporting ETI team and until now 30 initial social mobilization report prepared and shared with ETI, 12 irrigation projects started, 14 VPGs (seed potato) have been formed and seed potato has been provided, training manual on SM prepared and one SM training conducted another is in pipe line, draft social mobilization strategy prepared and shared with ETI for feedback, SMP guideline prepared and distributed among all SMP staff, all potential valleys and villages for ETI interventions have been identified through 6 stakeholders meetings in entire GB. Furthermore, draft MoU with AKU on ToT and IEC materials production on nutrition has been prepared and TOT will take place before the end of this month. Participatory wealth ranking followed by Poverty Score Card have been completed for 10 villages.