GBC Strategy and Remote Valleys Program
Leading the regional AKDN forums, AKRSP facilitated a multi-agency work planning process for GBC strategy of AKF.
In GBC strategy programme for priority valleys, a total of 9 MHP projects had been initiated in 2016. Out of these, 6 projects have been completed (4 completed in 2016 and 2 completed by August 2017). Out of the remaining 3 under construction projects (2 in Chitral, 1 in Gilgit). The Immit MHP of 300kW powerhouse will be completed by end of this year and 2 projects in Chitral will be completed in 2018. In addition, 2 new MHPs will be initiated in the last quarter of 2017. If funding is available for 2018, AKRSP can initiate more than 2 new projects, as the need and demand is high in program area. SDC had funding commitments for two projects and those have been completed in 2016. Currently there is no funding availability with SDC for new MHPs to construct. However, there is great demand and potential for investment in MHPs in the program area. All of the 13 MHPs (including 9 in 2016, two in 2017 and two in 2018) will directly benefit 49,500 beneficiaries in the region.
During the year 2017, a total of 4000 fruit plants (germ plasm) and 500 bags of potato seed has been supplied to 225 farmers in priority valleys. The supported farmers have been provided with training on fruit plants/ potato production and management. Also a total of 90 farmers have been provided with seeds and training in vegetable production.