Deepening Participatory Governance (DPG)
This 48-month EU funded project, started in February 2014, is now approaching to its end and will be closed on December 31, 2017. Almost all of the planned activities have been successfully concluded by August 2017 and the remaining few will be completed by the time the project will end.
Under the first component on social mobilization, as a result of increased social mobilization and strengthened local institutions, representations of the target groups (poor, youth, vulnerable and other marginalized segments of population) in the community institutions including; Village and Women Organization (V/WOs) have significantly increased. As a result, the number V/WOs falling under category A of the representation and participation, as pointed out by the PCP capacity assessment study, has significantly increased as a result of the project interventions in the project area.
As a result of the capacity development of community organizations and local government system and participatory village and UC development planning exercise, the Government incorporated majority of the identified projects in its Annual Development Plan (ADP). During the reporting period, Government through the local support organizations initiated 15 projects and schemes of Rs. 23.65 million identified by the communities during village and UC planning exercise. The type of projects includes vocational center, bridges, water supply and protective works. To ensure participatory monitoring and oversight, the project introduced UC level joint planning and coordination committees. So far, the 52 village level and 6 UC level social infrastructure projects have directly benefitted 17,493 households while covering a population of 86,587 people (39,978 men, 35,549 women, 6,007 young men, 5,053 young women, 3880 vulnerable).