Deepening Participatory Governance
The AKRSP is implementing the European Union funded Deepening Participatory Governance, Project in Gilgit and Baltistan region. Duration of the project is 48 months (February 2014 to January 2018). The project’s goal is “to promote an inclusive and empowered society in Gilgit-Baltistan.” The objective is “to reduce the negative impacts of poverty through active and effective participation of communities in development activities in Gilgit-Baltistan through:
- Strengthening Village and Women Organisations and Local Support Organisations as inclusive institutions for socio-economic development at local levels;
- Improving access to basic services through building community social infrastructure through community participation;
- Strengthening the capacities of local government in participatory planning and supervising inclusive development.
The project entails development of social and physical infrastructure of 30 LSOs and 750 V/WOs. The project targets 30 UCs in ten districts of GB covering 30 LSOs including 750 V/WOs. The UCs/LSOs have been selected by taking into consideration the needs of local communities, self-initiative, accessibility, potential for partnership with local government and commitment to improve the well-being of vulnerable and marginalized groups. Around 750 V/WOs activists (at least 50% women) benefit from the various training activities. The V/WOs and LSOs nominate trainees taking into consideration merit, equity and need. Two government departments (LG&RD and the Planning and Development department) are key target beneficiaries. More than 30 UC secretaries and 70 retired /serving elected representatives (100 total) benefit directly from the action. The action helps preparing 300 Village Development Plans and 30 Union Development Plans and assist in the implementation of 55 social infrastructure projects, which are identified and implemented by the communities themselves benefiting an estimated 11,250 households (approximately 100,000 individuals, almost 50% women, poor and marginalized). The government authorities and the communities are encouraged to contribute in cash/kind to ensure proper project maintenance and sustainability.
Funded by: European Union (EU) and the Aga Khan Foundation (10% Contribution)
Project Duration: 48 months (February 2014 -January 2018)
Geographic Focus: All districts of Gilgit -Baltistan (selected 30 Union Councils )
To promote an inclusive and empowered society in Gilgit – Baltistan
- To reduce the negative impacts of poverty through active and effective participation of communities in development activities in Gilgit-Baltistan through
- Strengthening Village and Women Organizations and Local Support Organizations as inclusive institutions for socio-economic development at local levels
- Improving access to basic services through building community social infrastructure through community participation
- Strengthening the capacities of local government in participatory planning and supervising inclusive development
Key Targets
Direct beneficiaries:
- 30 UCs/LSOs, 750 V/WOs, 100 UC/LB officials and elected reps
- 11,250 households
Indirect beneficiaries:
- Over 100,000 people-50% women in the 30 UCs
Key Achievements
- Institutional capacity need assessment and planning exercises and social mobilization dialogues completed in all 30 UCs
- Over 24 training events for village level and LSO activists organized in which 588 activists 50% women) from V/WOs and LSOs were trained
- 215 Village Development Plans (VDPs) and 7 Union Council Development Plans completed
- 14 Multi-Stakeholders Forums (MSFs) organized at UC levels and multi-input priorities identified and prioritized for VDPs and UCDPs
- 34 social/physical infrastructure projects (village and UC levels) sub-granted, over 80% are complete in 14 UCs reaching out to over 9000 households.